Tech Support Quality & Environment

Technical Support

Based on our proprietary technologies and supported by highly competent technical staff of Denka Co Ltd, the Denka group in Singapore has continually been improving existing products, developing new products and further enhancing our manufacturing technologies and quality.

In 2012, the Denka group in Singapore established two technical and development centres.

Technical Centre (Denka Singapore)
The centre provides technical support for our Styrenic resin products and collaborate closely with Denka Co Ltd Polymer Solutions R&D department to develop new resin products and breakthroughs in polymer solutions for customers.

TS Centre (Denka Advantech)
The centre provides technical support for our fused silica products, and through feedback and data from customers, it develops new fused silica products so as to be at the cutting edge of the semiconductor industry.

Now and in the future, we aspire to continue developing products which capture the precise needs of the market, as well as strengthening the function and capabilities of the two centres.

Quality & Environment

The Denka group in Singapore has acquired ISO 9001 certification, which is a management system of quality assurance. From the initial stage of product design to the delivery of completed products, we have established quality assurance and manufacturing systems that underpin the manufacture of high quality products.

The Denka group in Singapore strives to maintain and seek continuous improvement of this system through the Plan-Do-Check-Action Cycle.

Ensuring a safe workplace and protecting the environment are the top priorities of our operations. We have acquired the certification of environment management system, ISO14001, as well as implemented activities such
as ensuring safe operations, taking positive initiatives to protect the environment and corporate compliance.
